Jul 17, 2021
Label Maker
A simple HDA for making labels for procedural modelling. As the complexity of my procedural models started to increase, it starts to...

Jun 9, 2021
Procedural Arch
Started to dig a little bit into Houdini and procedural modelling. Was able to put together a fairly simple procedural arch as a...

Nov 19, 2015
Concept model for an upressed version of the Starcraft II Banshee.

Jun 4, 2013
MQ-9 Reaper
From back in the days when I used to have aspirations of being a modeller/designer. Model, UV unwrapping and beginning of a MQ-9 Reaper...

Jun 4, 2012
Student Demo Reel
It's always nice to have a benchmark of where you started to show progress (or lack there of) over time